Mehrer-MHX 1300 (0 – 1000 bar) 160kw


As the world's leading manufacturer of oil-free piston and diaphragm compressors, decades ago we pioneered our dry-running compressors in cross-head design. With the founding year 1889, counts Mehrer to be oldest compressor manufacturers in the world. MRX 1300 - Horizontal Compressor • Piston stroke transmission to the triple sandwich diaphragm on hydromechanical basis • Diaphragm and gas valves follow the rhythm of the piston stroke • Oil compression pump assures an ideal oil volume between piston and diaphragm • Oil recirculation for piston lubrication adjusted by a pressure regulation valve • 100% oil-free compression without the use of filter • Leakage rate < 10-5 mbar l/s • Suitable for all gases • Low noise level • Durable, efficient and robust compressors • Low compression temperature


  • H2-Compression
  • N2-Compression
  • CO2-recovery
  • Gas cylinder and trailer filling
  • Compression of toxic gases


  • Hydrogen
  • Oil and Gas
  • Trailer filling